Feb 2020 General Meeting on 10th

2nd Monday falls on the 10th so we’ll meet at 6P at the Ventura Masonic Lodge at 482 E Santa Clara St. Please be on time as there will be door monitor for just a few minutes after 6p. otherwise you’ll need the keycode.

Program for the evening is Linda Sullivan of https://colourwerx.com/ -a quiltmaker, pattern designer, blogger, instructor, and more. She’ll present a trunk show and share her love of colourful quiltmaking. come prepared to be inspired.

other events in meeting: Our Fat Quarter raffle will be BLUE. any blue. Bring a FQ and for each you’ll receive a ticket for the drawing.

Did you commit to do a Name Tag Swap with another member? Please share these Mini’s with everyone as we may want to “borrow” your idea, technique, clever rendering and such for ourselves or a surprise gift for a fellow member that we want to appreciate. Never hurts to have a couple of them tucked away in different places so we can find one when we need it! If you see someone without one maybe offer to make one or at least learn their name and face.

Challenge for the month was to create something quilted or pre-quilted in a Color of the Year either Pantone’s Classic Blue or Kona’s Enchanted. to be presented at our Show-and-Tell segment. we’ll have a new challenge introduced for upcoming month.

VMQG has an ongoing Block Party doing the X block, pattern hardcopy version available at sign in table. on line soon. for each completed block contributed you earn a ticket for the drawing. numbers of winners subject to amount of blocks collected. and of course we’ll want to see the finished creations be it table runners, pillows, quilts, minis or???. the Party patterns will vary each quarter.

Philanthropy is both a requirement to maintain our 501(C)3 standing as well as just something we do as quilters. VMQG has given SOOOOO many quilts and quilted items in 2018 and 2019 and we want to keep up the tradition. We have our core groups we give to so please keep bringing in placemats, baby quilts, kid quilts, etc they will all get used for our recipients. we have heard from the County how VMQG’s modern baby quilts are especially treasured by their constituents compared to other quilts they’ve been given in the past. we are a fabulous group of talented quilters that make beautiful and unique creations. Keep up the great work!

and last but not least remember to anti up with your 2020 dues if you haven’t already. Consider buying raffle tickets for our always enticing quilt related baskets/packages of goodies. Turn in/pick up/buy your own tickets for our Opportunity quilt of 2020 -“EDGY” the amazing selvage star group creation. Bring some munchies for our Hospitality table so we can sustain ourselves and socialize during break. and come eager and leave inspired. it is always a feast for the eyes and a spark to the heart to keep creating and making so thanks everyone for Sharing.